LibreNews Weekly Digest #2


You can now select whether you want weekly or daily e-mails, or neither. (The setting does not have any effect right now, you get weekly regardless, but we're working on it!). By default, you're all subscribed to weekly, but you can change that from your account.

Anyhow, this week saw me investigating a couple of somewhat important stories; namely, the R4L/Martin Hector drama, and the OBS/Fedora drama:

Why the Asahi Linux lead developer resigned
Let’s take a step back. I decided to begin this story in 2019, during the Linux Security Summit. Developers Alex Gaynor and Geoffrey Thomas decided to hold a talk called Writing Linux Kernel Modules in Safe Rust. In it, they made the case for adopting Rust in the Linux kernel.
Why OBS and Bottles got in a fight with Fedora
Let’s start with Bottles, and then ease to OBS. Bottles is an application that allows you to run Windows software. It relies on Wine, thus the name, and it makes it easy to create environments with specific Windows prefixes, settings, and dependencies. It lets you select various components to run

I'm quite proud of both articles, which took many hours to research and write. On Friday we saw a few developments of both stories, and my original idea (COSMIC reaction video) had to be delayed, so I decided to do an unscripted update video.

Generally speaking, this is not how I want to deal with story updates over time. I however need to go step-by-step, and other things are taking priority right now.

Finally, I got around to writing and publishing about my experience with MALIBAL. I wanted to give this a light-hearted mood, but it also seems clear to me that the owner might be experiencing some mental health issues and, after writing, I wish I had been more careful with the topic.

This Linux laptop maker called me a Zombie
Two years ago I was contacted by a company called MALIBAL. They were interested in a sponsorship, where I would simply put their link in the video description and get money for it. I did a quick background check, and they seemed like a proper Linux hardware manufacturing company. I

Finally, Luca also wrote an article this week, and it's about Flathub donations and maintainer burnout. You can find it here:

Would you pay for Free Software?
For most of us who used smartphones for any length of time before switching to Linux, learning how to download a lot of graphical applications on a Linux distro was quite a smooth process: just open the app icon that looks like an App Store, and what you see is

Members-only content

I can officially say that the first piece of members-only content will be published next week, and it should be somewhat exciting. If you currently donate on Patreon you will have access to it as soon as it's published. If you donate elsewhere, ping me up with your email here and proof of donation, I'll also give you access.

Thanks for subscribing! This website is still in heavy work in progress, and there's much more to come, but I'm very excited to see it growing. See you next week!